Package Design/ 
Asset Creation/ 

I collaborated with the Creative Director at Skyrocket Toys to develop the branding and visual identity for their flagship line of drones, Sky Viper. My responsibilities included designing eye-catching packaging that creates a clean, modern, tech forward on shelves. Having a closed box for most of the line, I focused on making a beautiful representation on the front with major features in the same place that makes comparing models easier for the customer. I also helped with showroom displays, marketing assets and concepts as well as displays, POGs, Pallet configurations, video shelf talkers and instructions.

The packaging design system created a powerful billboard statement at retail.

This strategic approach to packaging and point-of-purchase displays creates a strong brand awareness.


Helping to design the user interface for Sky Viper Hover Racer App was an exciting challenge, leveraging my passion for gaming to inspire a dynamic and engaging user experience. Everything was designed to quickly find the pertinent information since drivers were just glancing down at the phone, mounted to the remote, while watching their drone race.